
New Search

Clears search windows ie. Business Name, Street Name, Suburb, etc. ready for your new search criterea.

Start Your Search 

Click on "Start Your Search" after entering your search criterea.

Business Name

Enter name of business.  As you type, the name will appear in an autofill dropdown list.


Main categories with sub categories in an easy drop down list.  


An alphabetical search for the business name in an easy drop down list.


Search for street, road, avenue etc.  Many cities or towns may have streets with the same name.  As you type, the name will appear in an autofill dropdown list.

District & Suburb

Normally towns have no suburbs, therefore districts may apply in this case.  As you type, the name will appear in an autofill dropdown list.

Town and City

Enter the town or city name.  As you type, the name will appear in an autofill dropdown list.


Sixteen regions in New Zealand in an easy drop down list.

Font Resizing

Included in the header region is a font resizing tool